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Abstrak Telah dilakukan uji stabilitas warna dengan acuan Yunita I.P( (2014) dan hasil reaksi parasetamol tablet dengan FeCl3 menggunakan metode spektrofotometri visible. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) merupakan obat analgesik (pereda rasa sakit) dan antipiretik (penurun demam) yang aman, efektif, dapat ditoleransi dengan baik, dan murah dengan efek samping yang relatif sedikit jika digunakan pada dosis terapi yang dianjurkan. Parasetamol ketika direaksikan dengan pereaksi FeCl3, terbentuk reaksi berwarna biru violet. Spektrofotometer UV-Visible mengukur panjang gelombang dan Intensitas sinar ultraviolet dan sinar tampak yang diserap oleh sampel. Syarat parameter untuk validasi diantaranya adalah linearitas, akurasi, presisi, batas deteksi/Limit Of Linearity (LOL) dan batas kuantifikasi/Limit Of Quantification (LOQ. Hasil Penelitian diperoleh panjang gelombang maksimum yaitu 540 nm diperoleh hasil (y = 0.0019x + 0.0751) dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar 0.9955 dan nilai LoD yang diperoleh 1.17 ppm serta nilai LoQ sebesar 3.90 ppm. Berdasarkan hasil uji presisi diperoleh nilai standar deviasi relative (%RSD) sebesar 0.382%, dan hasil dari uji akurasi didapatkan nilai perolehan kembali (%Recovery) sebesar 96%. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa hasil validasi parasetamol dalan serum dengan pereaksi FeCl3 berdasarkan parameter uji akurasi, presisi, LoD, dan LoQ dinyatakan valid. Kata kunci : Parasetamol, FeCl3, Spektrofotomter UV-Visible Absract Color stability test has been conducted with reference to Yunita I.P( (2014) and the reaction results of paracetamol tablets with FeCl3 using visible spectrophotometric method. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is an analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) drug that is safe, effective, well tolerated, and inexpensive with relatively few side effects if used at the recommended therapeutic dose. Paracetamol when reacted with FeCl3 reagent, formed a violet blue reaction. UV-Visible spectrophotometer measures the wavelength and intensity of ultraviolet light and visible light absorbed by the sample. Parameter requirements for validation include linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection/Limit Of Linearity (LOL) and limit of quantification/Limit Of Quantification (LOQ). Research results obtained the maximum wavelength of 540 nm obtained results (y = 0.0019x + 0.0751) with a correlation coefficient (r) value of 0.9955 and LoD value obtained 1.17 ppm and LoQ value of 3.90 ppm. Based on the results of the precision test, a relative standard deviation (%RSD) value of 0.382% was obtained, and the results of the accuracy test obtained a recovery value (%Recovery) of 96%. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the validation results of paracetamol in serum with FeCl3 reagent based on the test parameters of accuracy, precision, LoD, and LoQ are valid. Keywords: Paracetamol, FeCl3, UV-Visible Spectrophotomter
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | KTI DIII-Analis Kesehatan/TLM |
Divisions: | Prodi Analis Kesehatan |
Depositing User: | A.Md.Ak Dinda Sandi Fatria |
Date Deposited: | 12 Sep 2023 04:19 |
Last Modified: | 12 Sep 2023 04:19 |
URI: | https://repository.universitas-bth.ac.id/id/eprint/3189 |
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