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Abstrak TEKANAN DARAH PASIEN HIPERTENSI SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH SENAM HIPERTENSI 2020 oleh : Fera Nurapipah Latar Belakang : Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular, suatu kondisi yang kronis dimana tekanan darah meningkat diatas tekanan darah yang disepakati normal. Prevalensi penderita hipertensi di Indonesia cukup tinggi yaitu 7% sampai 22%. Berdasarkan hasil survey penderita yang berujung pada penyakit jantung 75%, stroke 15%, dan gagal ginjal 10%. Jawa Barat termasuk 5 besar propinsi yang memiliki angka kejadian hipertensi tertinggi. Jawa Barat yang memiliki penduduk 39,6 persen mengalami hipertensi memerlukan perhatian khusus. Tujuan : Mengetahui tekanan darah pasien hipertensi sebelum dan sesudah senam hipertensi. Metode Penelitian : Metode penelitian Literatur Review jenis Narrative Review. Populasi artikel yang digunakan dalam KTI ini seluruh artikel yang berada di Google Scholar baik Nasional maupun Internasional. Jumlah sampel 10 artikel yang tahun terbitnya sepuluh tahun terakhir. Hasil : Hasil penelitian yang serupa dan berkaitan dijelaskan oleh penelitian Sumartini, dkk (2019), penelitian Windri, dkk (2019), penelitian Moniaga (2013), penelitian Astari, dkk (2015), penelitian Totok & Fahrun (2017), penelitian Izhar (2017), penelitian Tulak & Munawira Umar (2017), penelitian Irmawati (2017) dan penelitian Anwari, dkk (2018) yaitu salah satunya sama-sama menggunakan pengaruh senam hipertensi agar membantu menurunkan tekanan darah, sedangkan penelitian Oktafiandanu & Fatmawati (2018) selain menggunakan pengaruh senam hipertensi Oktafiandanu & Fatmawati juga menambahkan dengan penambahan relaksasi otot progresif. Kata Kunci: Senam Hipertensi, Tekanan Darah, Hipertensi Background: Hypertension is a non-communicable disease, a chronic condition where the blood pressure rises above the agreed normal blood pressure. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is quite high at 7% to 22%. Based on the results of surveys of patients that lead to heart disease 75%, stroke 15%, and kidney failure 10%. West Java is among the top 5 provinces that have the highest incidence of hypertension. West Java which has a population of 39.6 percent experiencing hypertension requires special attention. Objective: To determine the blood pressure of hypertensive patients before and after hypertension gymnastics. Research Methods: Research Methods : Literature Review type Narrative Review. The article population used in this KTI is all articles in the Google Scholar both nationally and internationally. The number of samples is 10 articles which have been published for the last ten years. Results: Similar and related research results are explained by Sumartini et al (2019), Windri et al (2019), Moniaga research (2013), Astari research, et al (2015), Totok & Fahrun research (2017), Izhar research (2017), the Tulak & Munawira Umar study (2017), the Irmawati study (2017) and the Anwari study et al (2018), one of which uses the effect of hypertension exercises to help lower blood pressure, while the Oktafiandanu & Fatmawati study (2018) besides using the influence of hypertension gymnastics Oktafiandanu & Fatmawati also added with the addition of progressive muscle relaxation. Keywords: Hypertension Exercise, Blood Pressure, Hypertension
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | KTI DIII-Keperawatan |
Divisions: | Prodi Keperawatan |
Depositing User: | A.Md.Kep. Fera Nurapipah |
Date Deposited: | 13 Aug 2020 03:04 |
Last Modified: | 13 Aug 2020 03:04 |
URI: | |
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