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ABSTRAK STATUS KESEHATAN IBU HAMIL YANG MENGONSUMSI TABLET FE Serin Octaviani 1 , Etty Komariah Sambas2 , Soni Hersoni3 Prodi DIII Keperawatan STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya Email : serinoctav03@gmail.com ABSTRAK Zat besi bagi ibu hamil penting untuk pembentukan dan mempertahankan sel darah merah. Kecukupan sel darah merah akan menjamin sirkulasi oksigen dan metabolisme zat-zat gizi yang dibutuhkan ibu hamil, dimana hal ini akan menentukan status kesehatan ibu hamil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi konsep/teori atau hasil-hasil penelitian tentang status kesehatan ibu hamil yang mengkonsumsi tablet fe. Metode penelitian ini yaitu telaah literatur dengan menggunakan sumber literatur primer, yaitu buku rujukan sebanyak 3 buah dan artikel penelitian yang relevan dari tahun 2010 – 2020 yang didapat dari google scholar sebanyak 10 buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status kesehatan ibu hamil yang mengonsumsi tablet fe dapat dinilai dari kadar hemoglobin nya. Jika status kesehatan ibu hamil buruk, misalnya menderita anemia (Hb < 11 gr%), maka bayi yang dilahirkan beresiko lahir dengan berat badan rendah. Bagi ibu sendiri jika mengalami anemia, dapat meningkatkan resiko pendarahan pada saat persalinan dan pasca persalinan, gangguan kesehatan bahkan resiko kematian . Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi status kesehatan ibu hamil meliputi kenaikan BB, tekanan darah, kadar Hb, aktivitas harian, pola tidur dan istirahat. Faktor pendukung lainnya yaitu pengetahuan, sikap, kepatuhan, dukungan keluarga dan ANC (Ante Natal Care). Kata kunci : kehamilan, tablet Fe ABSTRACT Iron for pregnant women is important for the formation and maintaining red blood cells. The adequacy of red blood cells will ensure the circulation of oxygen and the metabolism of nutrients needed by pregnant women and it will determine the health status of pregnant women The purpose of this research was to identify the concept/theory or the results of the study of the health status of pregnant women who consume FE tablets. This type of research was literature review. The sources used in the study were the primary sources. They were 10 textbooks and 10 relevant research articles from 2013-2020 which were retrieved from Google Scholar. The results showed that the health status of pregnant women who consumed Fe tablet can be determined by haemoglobin level. If the health status of pregnant women is bad, for example suffering from anemia (Hb < 11 gr%), then babies born at risk of birth with low body weight. For mothers themselves anemia increases the risk of bleeding during childbirth and postnatal, health disorders and even the risk of death. Several factors which influence the health status of pregnant women are weight gain, blood pressure, Hb levels, daily activities, sleep patterns and rest. Another factors which predispose the health status of pregnant women are knowledge, attitudes, compliance, family support and ANC (Ante Natal Care). Keywords : Pregnancy, Fe tablet
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | KTI DIII-Keperawatan |
Divisions: | Prodi Keperawatan |
Depositing User: | A.Md.Kep. Serin Octaviani |
Date Deposited: | 18 Aug 2020 03:55 |
Last Modified: | 18 Aug 2020 03:55 |
URI: | https://repository.universitas-bth.ac.id/id/eprint/808 |
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